Bravo! You want to save the bees. But where do you begin? Here’s my take on how you can help. It’s not hard, just a few deliberate steps in…
save the bees
Sign This Petition to Save the Bees
February 26, 2017Here is an opportunity to make your voice heard on saving the bees. There is a world-wide petition calling for the ban of imidacloprid in Canada, a widely used neonicotinoid (neonic)…
75 Reasons to Save the Bees
February 12, 2017Imagine that you have to motivate someone to save the bees–to communicate bee benefits. What would you say? I’ll admit I am not a big fan of educational material that pro-bee…
The Last Shot at Survival for
the Rusty Patched Bumble BeeJanuary 22, 2017Rusty patched bumble bees were once a common sight from Maine to Minnesota, through the South, including the Appalachians. Yet today, total numbers are down by almost 90%, with existing populations being very…
Want some ideas for your own organic vegetable garden? My local botanical garden, Tower Hill Botanic Garden, in Boylston, MA, knows how to do a vegetable garden. It is not…
Welcome to Green Garden Buzz!
January 18, 2016Hello and welcome to Green Garden Buzz! You have landed in the right spot. Here we talk about beautiful gardens that are good for the bees, for us, and the…