Imagine that you have to motivate someone to save the bees–to communicate bee benefits. What would you say? I’ll admit I am not a big fan of educational material that pro-bee…
native bees
The Last Shot at Survival for
the Rusty Patched Bumble BeeJanuary 22, 2017Rusty patched bumble bees were once a common sight from Maine to Minnesota, through the South, including the Appalachians. Yet today, total numbers are down by almost 90%, with existing populations being very…
Making Peace With the Dandelions
May 11, 2016It is definitely dandelion season here, the bright yellow blossoms bursting forth everywhere they are allowed to grow. Where I grew up, dandelions were non-existent. My family home had no…
10 Ways You Can Save the Bees
April 18, 2016Despite the bad news about honey bees, there is a tremendous amount you can do. Here is my take on it. Many of these steps also help other pollinators too,…
We Need Our Native Bees
March 23, 2016While honey bee losses have gotten lots of attention, native bees have been largely ignored. But they are in trouble too. Scientists have seen a dramatic drop in the number of…