In order to have a bee friendly yard and garden, a bit of planning is in order. Find out how I make sure the bees are being fed.
So How Are the Honey Bees Doing? The 2015-16 Report
May 27, 2016The news is pretty grim, I’m afraid. Beekeepers across the United States lost an estimated 44% of their honey bee colonies during the 2015-2016 season (from April-April). About 15% of losses…
10 Ways You Can Save the Bees
April 18, 2016Despite the bad news about honey bees, there is a tremendous amount you can do. Here is my take on it. Many of these steps also help other pollinators too,…
10 Great Reasons to Become a Beekeeper
March 11, 2016I love beekeeping. While I recognize that beekeeping is not for everyone, it is a great hobby. Here are my top 10 reasons for beekeeping. Your plants need pollination. Native bees will pollinate,…
Welcome to Green Garden Buzz!
January 18, 2016Hello and welcome to Green Garden Buzz! You have landed in the right spot. Here we talk about beautiful gardens that are good for the bees, for us, and the…