Here is an opportunity to make your voice heard on saving the bees.
There is a world-wide petition calling for the ban of imidacloprid in Canada, a widely used neonicotinoid (neonic) chemical that we know kills bees. I urge you to sign it. Find the petition here.
Why We Should Ban It
Imidacloprid is one of the world’s most commonly used pesticides. It is a systemic chemical, which means the chemical is present in every part of the plant–including the nectar and pollen.
- Imidacloprid is highly toxic to honey bees and native bees. AÂ bee can die right away once exposed to the chemical (depending on the amount), or bring the chemical back to the hive, thereby harming the hive.
- This chemical is toxic to humans as well. The chemical can disrupt our central nervous system, causing symptoms such as tremors and even death.
- It persists in the soil for years, to be reabsorbed by future plants.
- Imidacloprid has been found in surface water, groundwater, and drinking water.
Europe has already banned imidacloprid, along with two other neonics.
Why Should I Sign a Petition for Canada?
It’s a fair question. The maker of this chemical, Bayer CropScience, is a global company, and sells this chemical all over the world for massive profits. If Canada banned imidacloprid, sales would suffer and force the company to reconsider their product. But most of all, the world would be able to see if bees could recover once imidacloprid is no longer in the environment. The United States would feel pressure to do the same.
What You Can Do
- Sign the petition. Then share with friends.
- Stop using any products with imidacloprid in it. The trade names for imidacloprid products include Gaucho, Admire, Merit, Advantage, Confidor, Provado, and Winner. The Advantage flea and tick treatments for pets (by Bayer) also contain imidacloprid. Take a look to see if you have any of these products and please stop using them.
- Stop using Bayer CropScience products if you want to save the bees.
These actions are something I call “bee activism.” They are steps to help the bees beyond a great bee garden. In my opinion, we need both good gardening and smart bee activism if we are going to save the bees. I plan to bring you more ideas for “bee activism” here at Green Garden Buzz. And please share this post. Thanks!
signed the petition.
Thanks Nick!
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