Beekeepers were the first to sound the alarm of neonicotinoids, seeing a connection between bees dying in large numbers, colony collapse disorder (CCD), and these chemicals. Neonicotinoids threaten not…
Should You Buy Organic Seeds?
March 20, 2016Years ago when I planted my early vegetable gardens I chose non-organic seeds because they were cheaper. I was buying lots of seeds! I believed in organic gardening, but I…
Monarch Butterfly Population Grows
March 12, 2016After years of dramatic decline, the Monarch butterfly winter population has increased. Populations hibernating in the Mexican mountains now cover about 10 acres, an area three times larger than the…
10 Great Reasons to Become a Beekeeper
March 11, 2016I love beekeeping. While I recognize that beekeeping is not for everyone, it is a great hobby. Here are my top 10 reasons for beekeeping. Your plants need pollination. Native bees will pollinate,…
Beautiful Borage
February 19, 2016Borage (Borago officinalis) is a charmer. Lovely blue star-shaped flowers nod down, beckoning one closer. I love its shade of blue. Bees, of all kinds, can’t resist it because the flowers are…
Welcome to Green Garden Buzz!
January 18, 2016Hello and welcome to Green Garden Buzz! You have landed in the right spot. Here we talk about beautiful gardens that are good for the bees, for us, and the…