Happy Earth Day! Let’s get busy saving the Earth in our own backyard.
When Your Honey Has Neurotoxins
October 30, 2017Not so sweet news from a recent Science study. In honey samples taken from around the world, 75% had detectable levels of neonicotinoids in them. North America had the highest…
What Are You Doing For Earth Day?
April 21, 2017Happy Earth Day everyone (April 22)! I’ve included a few ideas for actions you can take on Earth Day to celebrate the day, while also helping the Earth. I’m emphasizing political action…
The Dirt on Peat Moss
March 17, 2017Have you noticed how peat moss is everywhere? Giant bales tower at nurseries and garden centers. Pick up a bag of potting mix and peat moss is usually a main…
The Last Shot at Survival for
the Rusty Patched Bumble BeeJanuary 22, 2017Rusty patched bumble bees were once a common sight from Maine to Minnesota, through the South, including the Appalachians. Yet today, total numbers are down by almost 90%, with existing populations being very…
Mosquito Spraying Kills Millions of Bees
What Will You Do?September 12, 2016When bees die from the shortsighted actions of a few, we must speak up. As you may already know, millions of honey bees were immediately annihilated in an aerial spraying against Zika on August…
What I Am Feeding My Bees
September 3, 2016A recent check on my two beehives showed me very little honey stores. (Though the bees are building up well and had no signs of disease.) I was not surprised. This…
17 Things to Do for Earth Day
April 21, 2016Happy Earth Day! Beautiful isn’t it? Even if you are super busy today, I hope you can find a moment to give thanks for our blue-green globe. Then resolve to…
Maryland Bans Neonicotinoids for Consumers
April 14, 2016On April 7, Maryland became the first state to ban the consumer use of neonicotinoid pesticides. Bravo Maryland! Neonicotinoid is a class of chemicals that include seven different chemicals.…